With the zactrack Academy we would like to give you the tools and some help at first hand, to work properly with the zactrack systems and give you a little insight in a correct handling and workflow for your first project and demonstrations with our full automatic 3D-tracking application.
For this we have created a tutorial series, give you some actual interviews of leading industry figures, why and how zactrack worked for them on their productions and we also would like to give you the opportunity with some detailed examples on how the systems were integrated into other shows and events worldwide with some case studies. We hope you find our guidance helpful and look forward to hearing about your first steps and experiences with your first zactrack system integration.
Learn about the
technical and operation
aspects of zactrack products
Watch leading industry
figures explain why zactrack worked for them
on their productions
Discover more on how
zactrack intregrated
into shows and events
Intro to zactrack
Hardware Overview
Software Overview
System Setup
zactrack Academy - 1 Introduction to zactrack Academy & Smart System videos
zactrack Academy - 2 Overview
zactrack Academy - 3 Hardware Overview
zactrack Academy - 4 System Setup
zactrack Software Release Highlights
High and Low Update Rate
Tracker Priority
Diagnostic PDF Reports
zactrack - Interview Nathaniel Cromwell (Production Alanis Morisette 2021)
zactrack on tour with Glass Animals! ✨
Gareth Owen combines extensive tracking and immersive/spatial Sound for Cinderella in London's West End. Rotatable stage sections also change audience positions and require suitable audio setups. This makes it easy to follow actors with all your senses.
Cinderella - London West End
With a large cast, a vibrant traverse stage design, fast moving dancers, dynamic scenic items and aerial performers, plus multiple gauzes rolling in and out to enhance projections and other visual effects, using multiple light sources positioned everywhere on the overhead trusses, often simultaneously!
Kan Yama Kan - Global Theatre